Vanessa Bryant | Lamborghini Murcielago | $400,000


Vanessa Bryant is the widow of the late Kobe Bryant. As we know, her husband and daughter, unfortunately, passed away due to a tragic accident in 2020. Kobe is one of the best players to have ever played the sport of basketball. He has earned a degree of exceptional esteem from his peers and fans alike and has the championship titles to come along with it. In addition, Kobe is famous for being the key player of Phil Jackson’s Lakers, where he won five NBA titles.

Being married to one of the biggest stars of the NBA, Vanessa enjoyed a life of luxury. There is no question that she shared the glory and fortune that her late husband enjoyed during his prolific career. And one of the gifts she received from the basket player was a customized Lamborghini Murcielago. It is the only Murcielago to be fitted with an automatic transmission, and those in the know say that this Lambo cost Kobe over $400,000.
